
Re: Ivan’s question on tech variations across cultures and countries - I’ve lived in a lot of different places and I do notice some differences. Preferred communication platforms vary. For instance, the US generally prefers to message on text / iMessage, while much of the rest of the world uses Whatsapp (Sweden is an interesting exception to this rule!). I noticed that Iceland skews toward IG messages. When it comes to being glued to your screens and living the “simulated” life that we’ve been discussing, I honestly see that across cultures, unfortunately. If anyone has an example of somewhere where that happens less, I’d love to know!

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deletedJun 18
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It’s great you’ve found more meaningful connection via the internet. For most people, however, they fall info more superficial / less satisfying connections online at the expense of deeper ties. It’s not that easy to “walk out the door” or put the phone down - the tech is designed for addiction. That is a feature, not a bug.

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I’m not finding this to be true. Conversations can go much deeper in text. For convincing people to meet in real time, technology has never made it easier for me. You can text multiple people at once ask them who wants to meet in two hours for brunch. How about next weekend. Or on Wednesday after work. It was never that easy before everyone had tech. If your friends are refusing to put the phone down to meet you, they aren’t your friends.

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